Friday, August 7, 2015



When even as a young boy Reed Richards had an idea about building a machine that would teleport objects and even people from one dimension to another while everyone believed him to be a joke. Now as a teen headed to college Reed  (Teller) makes that machine and still people don't take him seriously until he and his best friend Ben Grimm (Bell) is confronted by Dr. Storm (Cathey) and his daughter Sue (Mara) who wants to enlist him into a program to add his talents of teleporting with another gifted young scientist Victor Von Doom (Kebbell) so that together they will build a machine that would transport people to another dimensional planet. Upon completing the machine but wanting to test it before presenting it to the powers that be Reed, Grimm, Doom and Dr, storm's son Johnny taker an ill advised test run that takes them to a planet of pure superior energy and when their entrance back to Earth is nearly fatal for them they soon realize that they are infected by the energy leaving them with strange deformed powers that can't be explained but soon together as a Fantastic Four team they fight Victor who was trapped on the planet but now brought back with super powers himself and now known as Dr. Doom who wants to be ruler of the world.

Reel Talk:

Now you all know that I am The Reel Hustler and that title en-tales that I keep it real with you. Well this movie should be called Fantastic Sleeper. It started out interesting as it displayed the Marvel Comic book characters who are normally portrayed as adults but now they are young teens. But it just got slower and slower to the point that I literally fell asleep. So unfortunately I can not give an accurate review other than it was kinda boring to me up to when I dozed off. It definitely does not have the action and intensity of the previous movie adaptation. You can save your money and wait for the DVD or go see it at your own risk.

Starring: Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, Kate Mara, Jamie Bell, Toby Kebbell and Reg E. Cathey
Directed by: Josh Trank
Rated: PG-13

I give it 2 corn dogs (based on what I did see).

By: The Reel Hustler

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