Sunday, July 3, 2016



Having been found and assuming his family name of John Clayton after spending some years in the African jungles as Tarzan (Skarsgard), he is enjoying life in London with his wife Jane (Robbie). His current life situation will soon be disrupted when the government wants him to go back into the jungle as Tarzan to help George Washington Williams (Jackson)  in stopping a greedy emperor from taking control of Africa. Reluctantly he takes the assignment but soon it turns into a rescue mission when the emperor's top assistant the ruthless Leon Rom (Waltz) kidnaps Jane with the intentions of trapping Tarzan, getting him out the way so that Leon can bring in a massive army to enslave the people of Africa and take control of their diamond mines.

Reel Talk:

It has been quite awhile that we have seen a movie about the leather loin clothed, tree swinging, echo screaming king of the jungle "Tarzan". Well the wait is over and Alexander Skarsgard takes on the role of the jungle man. While this film is heavy with CGI effects (and I wonder why out of a lot of films this one was not done in 3D?), it is full of action and very entertaining with fights and humor. The cast does a great job seeing how you have some of the best in the business with Christoph Waltz, Samuel L. Jackson and Margot Robbie. Really the only thing that was off in this movie was Tarzan's trademark scream, it could have been a lot better than what was presented. But still this is a film that is worth spending the bucks to check out.

Starring: Alexander Skarsgard, Margot Robbie, Christoph Waltz, Samuel L. Jackson and Djimon Hounsou
Directed by: David Yates
Rated: PG-13

I give it 4 corn dogs.


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