Monday, January 9, 2017



During the 60's the United states was in a crucial race with Russia to be the first to launch a man into space. Since the computer was not yet available but was being designed, NASA the United State's space program headed by Al Harrison (Costner)did not have mechanical means to calculate what they needed to project an astronaut into space so they used expert mathematicians who were called computers to help with a solution. After the Russians beat the Americans by sending one of their astronauts into space first, Al still refused to be out done so he selects an African American mathematician name Katherine G. Johnson (Henson) to assist on his team and with the help from her co-working friends Dorothy Vaughan (Spencer) and Mary Jackson (Monae) they work to overcome the racial dissension from their Caucasian counterparts so they can focus on developing an outline to send the first astronaut into a full complete orbit around the Earth several times and also calculate for him a safe return to Earth.

Reel Talk:

Welcome to 2017 and to kick it off with a bang the movie Hidden Figures explodes! This movie is one heck of a movie with some superb acting from an excellent cast. Everyone from the lead to supporting actors contribute to what turns out to be a great film. I am personally a buff for historian films but especially ones that depict African Americans who made major accomplishments but growing up was deprived from the history books so most were never aware of them. This emotional drama is a great movie for the entire family. In fact it would be an awesome film to promote to students nationwide so that they can learn of the contribution these three beautiful women provided so that our NASA projects are where they are today. Definitely a must see, so go in them pockets and head to the theaters! Good way to start off the year.

Starring: Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monae, Kevin Costner, Kirsten Dunst, Jim Parsons and Mahershala Ali
Directed by: Theodre Melfi
Rated: PG

I give it 5 corn dogs.


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