Sunday, July 1, 2012



Chris Pine plays Sam, a young ambitious fast talking commodity broker that pretty much always closes the deal, until one backfires and cost him his huge commission and possibly his job. While dead lined to correct the situation he is notified that his father, a once famous rock and roll manager, has passed and he is summoned to Los Angeles by his Mother (Pfeiffer) to attend the funeral. Reluctantly Sam, because of his estranged relationship with his father, along with his girlfriend Hannah (Wilde) arrives in LA late and misses the service which causes tension between him and his mother. When he meets with the family attorney to settle issues regarding the will, he is instructed to give a shaving kit filled with money to a young struggling bar maid named Frankie (Banks) and her smart but troubled son who he will soon find out that they are his sister and nephew from an extramarital affair by his father. On the fence about whether to take the money, keeping it for himself or give it to them, he forms a relationship with the woman and boy without informing them about their blood ties which may only complicate matters in the future.

Reel Talk:

This was a good movie, a little far fetched that he didn’t just come right out with the truth about the situation but if he had the movie would have been a short film, so for the sack of stretching out the film let’s say “That’s Hollywood”. Still this has a good storyline and good cast that put in good performances for their respected characters. It tells the compelling story of the possibilities of you never know who you might be related to because what’s the saying that we are all six degrees of separation. And that you should come right out and tell the truth off the rip because that is what you do in reality. A good movie worth checking out and you will surely enjoy it.

Starring: Chris Pine, Elizabeth Banks, Michael Hall D’Addario, Michelle Pfeiffer and Olivia Wilde
Directed by: Alex Kurtzman
Rated: PG-13

I give it 3 and a half eaten corn dogs.

By: Corn Dog – The Reel Hustler

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