Friday, July 31, 2015



It was 1983 that we were introduced to the Griswolds as they vacationed across America with Rusty Griswold being just a young boy back then. Now Rusty (Helms) is all grown with his own family, his wife Debbie (Applegate) and two sons James (Gisondo) and Kevin (Stebbins). Working as a pilot for stressful small airline he wants only the best for his family but begins to realize that they are caught up in a repetitive cycle of  life that is causing his wife to become bored and his sons detached. Tired of taking them on the same old camping vacation he arranges for them to drive cross country in some ugly foreign rental car to their destination the theme park Walley World. But while on the vehicle adventure they encounter one obstacle after another from shabby hotels, getting robbed, bathing in sewage water just to name a few. But he is determined to make this vacation work for him and his family and refuses to let anything deter them from enjoying it.

Reel Talk:

If you have had a stress filled week and need to just get away for a few good laughs, well "VACATION" is calling you. This is a very funny movie. Ed Helms and the rest of the family especially Steele Stebbins as the youngest son Kevin, will have you rolling laughing. And the cameo with Chris Hemsworth and Leslie Mann is crazy. It is raw, raunchy and funny, a very entertaining movie with only one downside and that is that it went probably 30 minutes too long, other than that a good revamp of the 1983 movie. Worthy of cashing out the dollars to have a few laughs.

Starring: Ed Helms, Christina Applegate, Skyler Gisondo, Steele Stebbins, Chris Hemsworth and Leslie Mann
Directed by: John Francis Daley and Jonathan M. Goldstein
Rated: R

I give it 3 corn dogs.

By: The Reel Hustler

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