Abraham Lincoln, when just a young boy, witnesses the murder of his mother at the hands of a ruthless slave trader named Jack Barts (Csokas). Vowing to avenge her death by hunting down Barts and killing him, a now young adult Lincoln (Walker) eventually gets the opportunity when he finally meets up with the murderer only to find out that killing him is not as easy as he thought because it turn’s out that he is a vampire. After surviving the botched murder attempt with the help of Henry Sturgess (Cooper), a lone drifter who soon teaches Lincoln the art of hunting vampires, he sets out to complete his mission of killing vampires and also becomes a politician seeking the presidency so as to abolish slavery, because they (slaves) are at the top of the food chain for the blood thirsting creatures.
Reel Talk:
Being completely honest, I got to say I thought this would be some thrown together garbage just for the purpose of entertainment. Well it is very entertaining, just not thrown together garbage! It actually is a pretty good story, not a true story (c’mon Lincoln and vampires, what’s next Obama vs zombies…lol), that is portrayed well by Benjamin Walker as Abe. Filmed in 3D, this is one of the better 3D movies out of the current releases lately and full of fast paced action. Die hard action junkies will enjoy this axe wielding Abe flick that I say is a good, entertaining action movie well worth checking out.
Starring: Benjamin Walker, Dominic Cooper, Anthony Mackie, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Rufus Sewell, Marton Csokas and Jimmi Simpson
Directed by: Timur Bekmambetov
Rated: R
I give it 3 corn dogs.
By: Corn Dog – The Reel Hustler