Tuck (Hardy) and Franklin or FDR (Pine) are two CIA field operatives that are not only co-workers, but the best of friends willing to take a bullet for each other at any given time. FDR a wild partying playboy who is afraid to commit to a monogamous relationship and Tuck who after a failed attempt with his baby mama is looking to move on to a steady affair. When the two get sidelined from active duty following a botched effort to apprehend a high profile criminal played by Til Schweiger who is looking to get revenge on the pair for the death of his brother, they take time to help Tuck try to find a date mate. After accepting a date from an internet service assigned Lauren who is an all work and no play type of girl, forced by her girlfriend to date Tuck, which she does but eventually bumps into FDR who she soon becomes interested in dating as well. Well when the two studs find out that they are both pursuing the same woman, the gloves come off and their friendship is in jeopardy as they abuse the company’s resources to each gain an edge advantage on winnig the affection of the clueless Lauren.
Reel Talk:
Remember those black and white animated spies from the Mad magazine that are always attacking each other with outlandish stunts? Well in this action comedy Pine and Hardy are the real version. The extent of the pranks they use on each other to attract Reese’s attention will have you laughing. But the hilariously funniest moments come at the hands of scene stealer Chelsea Handler as Reeses’s best friend. She is truly off the hook funny. This is a very good, exciting, funny, action packed (although a little over the top) movie that is worth the weekend admission with you wondering to the very end which one she will choose. To find out go out and see the movie……LOL!
Starring: Reese Witherspoon, Chris Pine, Tom Hardy, Til Schweiger, Chelsea Handler and Angela Bassett
Directed by: McG
Rated: R
I give it 3 corn dogs
By: Corn Dog – The Reel Hustler